Oversize Permits |
IDOT is authorized by the Illinois Vehicle Code and the 92 Illinois Administrative Code 554, Sub-chapter F, with respect to highways under its jurisdiction that IDOT may, at their discretion, upon application and good cause being shown therefore, issue special permits authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum specified in this Act or otherwise not in conformity with this Act upon any highway under the jurisdiction of the state of Illinois. An Oversize/Overweight permit is required, when a vehicle or load exceeds legal sizes and weights, and is to be moved upon or across a highway for which the state is responsible. Permit applications are reviewed for bridge tolerances, construction zones, height clearance and several other safety concerns. The new Illinois Transportation Automated Permit system (ITAP) system allows customers to go online and apply. Most permits are immediately issued. Oftentimes, in order to complete your move, roads NOT authorized to be permitted by IDOT may be necessary. In all such cases involving local jurisdiction roads, permittees MUST obtain permission from appropriate local authorities prior to movement.
We are dispatching company for the owner operator and truck drivers. We offer our independent dispatch services and invite join to our dispatching company.
To determine the type of permit that is needed, as well as the fees associated with the permit, please refer to the Illinois Vehicle Code or contact the Illinois Oversize/Overweight Permit Office in person, by telephone, or by email per the information below.
Illinois Department of Transportation,
Bureau of Operations, Permit Office,
2300 South Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, Illinois 62764
Telephone: (217) 785-1477, if calling from Springfield area or out of state; (800) 252-8636 if calling from an Illinois number but outside of Springfield area
Email: dot.permitoffice@illinois.gov
If you are moving an implement of husbandry, as defined in the IVC 625 ILCS 5/1-130, and you are over-width only.
Before you apply
Before you order your permit, please gather the following information:
1. Will this be a single or round trip move?
2. Will the object being moved be loaded on a trailer, towed by a truck while on its own wheel base, or driven under its own power.
3. What is the object being moved (Load Description), including two (2) of the following three (3) items if the load is overweight; manufacturer, model number or serial number of the load being moved (not the vehicle moving it).
4. Overall dimensions (width, length and height) of the truck/trailer when loaded or the own powered unit.
5.If overweight:
- License plate and state of the hauling unit, if exempt, serial number of the own powered unit
- Gross weight
- Individual axle weights
- Individual axle spacing in feet and inches between each set of axles
6. Origin of load:
– If starting within Illinois, an exact address can be used.
– If entering from a state line, you will need to know which one of the five (5) bordering states (IA, IN, KY, MO or WI) and the route traveling on when entering Illinois.
7. Destination of load:
– If ending within Illinois, an exact address can be used.
– If exiting Illinois into one of the five (5) bordering states, you will need to know which one and the route traveling on when exiting Illinois.
8. Specific route(s), if any, driver is wanting to utilize.
9. For interstate movements, you must obtain a U.S. DOT number.
If you are truck driver and you are looking for dispatching company we offer you our professional dispatch services.
NOTE: Permits issued by IDOT are for travel upon state jurisdiction roadways ONLY. You are required by law to obtain permission from any local jurisdiction, including municipality, township, county or skyway, or from the Illinois Toll Authority PRIOR to moving on local jurisdiction roadways, toll roads or when crossing toll structures.